Daily Archives: March 26, 2010

If Ribs Could Talk

“Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.

But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.”

Genesis 2:19-22

Growing up in church as I did I never heard the above passage mentioned without reference to the importance that woman was created from man’s side.

Not from his head to rule over him and not from his feet to be trampled upon, but from his side; to walk beside him and to be protected by him in the comfort of his arms.

This is great imagery and I assume very helpful to men but as a woman, what does this teach me about what it means to be a woman? When I am floundering in what and who I am supposed to be and how and why God created me a woman what does this picture tell me?

Nothing, really, except we need to be protected and covered. That I already know.

Maybe it would help to look more closely at what it was God used to create us.

A rib. Not very glamorous, but let’s look closer.

What does it do? What is its function? Could the body remain the same without it?

A rib shields the body’s vital organs from injury. The heart, lungs, and kidneys are all protected by the ribcage. A rib enables the lungs to expand with necessary oxygen by expanding the chest. Without the ribs our bodies would be exposed to fatal injury simply by walking around our homes. Bumping into walls would be catastrophic and a simple fender bender would land us in the morgue.

A rib allows itself to literally be crushed before it lets any harm come to the vital organs of the body.

What does this teach me about what it means to be a woman?

We were created to be a shield. To protect those around us, to expand as our sphere of influence increases, we were created to shield.

Specific to our men, what are the vital things that are important in their make up?

Character. Integrity. These are their hearts and lungs.

A woman who is operating fully as she was created will allow herself to literally be crushed before she lets any harm come to the character or integrity of her husband, her father, her brother.

I’m overcome with emotion at how incredibly beautiful this is.

There is no role on earth that I look forward to more than to be the Rib to the man God has for me. Knowing how taxing it will be makes me diligent in making sure I do not settle because if I am going to allow myself to be crushed he will be worthy of such a sacrifice.

Will he be perfect?

No, but he will be worthy.

This is one of those truths that so transformed my life that I remember exactly where I was and who I was with when I first heard it.

Up to that point the word submission sat in my stomach as well as Ipecac.

Not well.

How weak does a woman have to be to submit to her husband? I didn’t want to do anything of the sort. I was also really stupid and had no idea what God’s intention was when he gave such instruction.

However, when He dropped the picture of the rib into my heart I understood the strength it would take, I saw the beauty of sacrifice, and I wanted it. I wanted it bad.

I still want it. Because the man who is worthy of such sacrifice, also deserves all I am and that adventure is one I’m about to crawl out of my skin to embark upon…but I digress.

So what about those men who aren’t worthy of the sacrifice? What about the fathers who beat their daughters? What about the husbands who beat their wives?

What happens when a man breaks the Rib that was created to protect him, leaving her completely ineffectual in her function?

She must be removed and given time to heal.

She must be protected and shielded herself.

She must be given room to expand and grow.

I am by no means suggesting you make yourself a doormat. Many women with a flare for feminism would call this weakness in the highest degree but no weak rib can withstand the pressure to protect the heart and lungs, nor can a weak woman protect the character and integrity of an imperfect man.

Only a woman of incredible strength can do such a thing. And only a woman of incredible strength can discern between a man worthy of the sacrifice and a man who is not.

We cannot control what anyone does to us, but we can control our response to them and if every man you meet is paying the price for what was done to you by one, there is no strength in that either.

Are you protecting? Are you shielding your family from hits from the enemy? Or are you allowing the hits to come from within?

What would happen if the ribs shot fire at the very things they were created to protect?

The body would never survive.

Ladies, stop bad-mouthing your husbands. Even if they “deserve” it, just stop.

There is nothing uglier than someone acting in a manner that is contrary to how they were created to act and there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who shields and protects her man’s character and integrity from everything she can…including herself.

So, the next time the Ribs get together for “Ribs Night Out” and the conversation starts to veer towards the heart and the lungs, stand up under that pressure and make sure no harm comes.

Be beautiful.

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